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April 2, 2019

Vacations Make Your Kids Happier Than Toys

I’ll ask you one simple question, do have a preference between making your kids happy and smart? What benefits you the most.

A perfect vacation is termed by your children with enthusiasm of remembering it till a very long time. I had a great vacation with my family and that inspired me to write this article and express my feelings about exactly how I feel.

A vacation full of music, bright colours with a big smile on my parents and siblings face is always a euphoric situation for me. Precisely, my siblings had their best time throughout the vacation and said: “totally worth the time and will reminisce it”. Hence, the benefits of family vacations cannot be ignored.

What if I say your kids would enjoy a happy and healthy vacation more than the toys you buy from them. Yes! Vacations make your kids happier more than toys. The happiness your child would get from the toys you buy them would be short term, have a thought about it you buy them the most expensive gifts, in the end, would depreciate the excitement and the value of those toys while if you spending some extra money on vacations would for sure give a new experience with happiness and will last for a long time, in short, spending on vacations would give a healthy return on your money.

Return will not only be in terms of happiness of your family, but you would even be able to know and acknowledge your kids’ interests, disinterest and what they are best in. For example, your kids making rocking sand castles itself is an interest, brain development and an exercise too. Exercising is what we lack in the most due to our busy schedule and vacations help us in that too. Brain development will take place through investing in new ideas and making different sand castles is what can define it in the best way.

Vacations are not only beneficial for kids but for you and your spouse as well. It gives you time to sort things out and refresh you while de-stressing you. And from statistics, almost 77% of children from 8-17 age also experience stress from studies and their day to day stuff. Hence, it can be very advantageous for health.
Capturing your moments and having a look at them makes you even happier and satisfied making your health better. An optimistic behaviour is the biggest merit of family vacations. This optimism will have an effect on your behaviour for some time. Something is better than nothing.


The money you spend in a particular country on vacation will add to the national income of the host country. Hence, to some extent indirectly adding to the betterment of that country and decreasing poverty.

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If you have thought of, “a newly born baby cannot go out and hence it will be healthy to stay at home for the next 6 or 12 months”, then you are so wrong. I agree that first few months are important, but no one is saying to pack your bags just after the baby is born and go, wait for 2-3 months and after that, you can comfortably go on a vacation with your kids. Going won’t hurt your baby’s health instead it would give him some healthy air to breathe!

The toddler years are the time of cognitive, social and emotional development. 12 to 36 months of kids are generally stated as toddlers. Hence, as parents, it is important for you to spend time with your kids in that period and what else could be a great example other than the family vacation! It is not important to technically go on vacations, rather pack some snacks and go out, explore what’s outside your house, discover your surroundings. Make memories. But don’t let the age of toddlers be on a verge of ignorance. Create an unbreakable bond full of immense love and affection towards each other. These benefits are the most important things demanded in life.

Holidays in terms of vacations take you to a different world, free of worries and to spend some quality time with your family and most importantly, kids. Even this has happened many times with me, sometimes I and my father used to see each other after days. Could you believe!

Unfortunately, this used to happen a lot, my father used to come home when I had slept and go early in the morning due to the load of work. Luckily, that stopped! I know exactly how kids feel when they are not being given the attention that should be given and genuinely speaking that could have an effect on your kids. So if you are a busy person then a family vacation is what you need the most. Benefits it will provide after some time is the best output

family vacation

Time passes by really fast. Blink and foo! 2 to 10 seconds gone! Hence make the most out of it. Nothing lasts. Every person has to leave some or the other day, then why postponing things. Respond to adventures. Go have fun. Let your kids have leisure time with you. Let them reminisce it whilst listening to the song. Have a family time. Make it worthwhile. Benefits will be seen!

Challenge yourself, go to new places. Those places will help you generate new skills, and have a new experience which will in future become helpful for you and maybe, benefits you in future from gloomy days.

Also Read: 5 Common Travelling Mistakes You Are Making

A survey has been conducted by YouGov, in partnership with Home Away and Family Fun magazine, to see what kids prefer more, a vacation or toys. Around 500 kids were asked this question. And you might get shocked by the result.

It was found that 43% kids were interested to invest their time in vacations with their parents rather than going for toys and 46% kids said they like travelling and exploring new places, that makes them feel satisfied and happy too.

The question was not close-ended but was asked from parents as well and output that was received was, 90% of the parent’s answer was that they enjoy taking their kids opinions to discover and visit places.

Children vacationsThey like having feedbacks as well from them because these feedbacks help them to have better vacation and if it was one of the best time in their life till a particular date then that would have an everlasting impact on their lives and will give them a reason to smile in bad days.

Having a good holiday influences your personal as well as professional life. It helps you go through dark days and make your professional life better by letting your brain have total focus on your work and as for kids, it helps them progress in their study with grades and understanding of subjects.

Every single thing matters. You never know how a simple and ordinary object brings bring happiness to you! How an object benefits you! Maybe a stone you are holding gave happiness to someone at some point in time! Maybe that tree meant a lot to someone on holiday!


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